Mount Brewer

Mount Brewer

Mount Brewer from East Lake
Elevation 13,576 ft (4,138 m) [1][2]
Prominence 1,168 ft (356 m) [2]
Parent peak Table Mountain[2]
Listing SPS Emblem peak[3]
Location Tulare County, California, USA
Range Sierra Nevada, Great Western Divide
Coordinates [4]
Topo map USGS Mount Brewer[2]
First ascent July 2, 1864 by William H. Brewer and Charles F. Hoffmann[5]
Easiest route Easy Scramble, class 2[6]

Mount Brewer is on the Great Western Divide, a sub-range of the Sierra Nevada in California. It is located in Kings Canyon National Park,[7]

The peak was named for William Henry Brewer who worked on the first California Geological Survey and was the first Chair of Agriculture at Yale University's Sheffield Scientific School. He was chief of the field party that explored the central High Sierra in 1864.[5]

See also
